How music can positively influence your mood

by Rockstar
music changes your mind

Music is one of the most powerful tools we have to change our mindset, mood and behaviour. There are thousand of studies from scientist and psychologists that proves that music affect many different areas in our brain. Even different styles of music have different effects. Classical music can improve visual attention, ambient music can improve creativity and up-tempo music can support you during your cardio work out training.

Music also opens up memories. Every time you hear a familiar song your brain immediately pick a time, place or event of a period in your life. Good and bad memories. For example when you hear a song that was played during a funeral your mood and feeling immediately change. The same goes for the song you had with your first girl or boyfriend will remind you directly of that situation. Music and mood are inherently connected.

Due to the fact that music is so powerful you can use it in your advantage to change your mood in a positive way.

I’m addicted to Spotify and listen to music all day long. I’m a drummer in a power metal band but surprisingly I have a very brought interest in different music genres. With three kids running around the house I listen to all kind of (new) music.

During my burnout I walked a lot to clear my mind. In order to change my mood positively, feel stronger and more powerful I created different playlists on Spotify. The best one I created and the one that supported me a lot during my burnout was a list I called “positive”. I have updated this list and you can find it here:

The list contains of songs that puts a smile on my face when listening to it. Based on the lyrics, the tune or the good memories that this song will remind me of.

When I have a bad moment, feel tiered, stressed or just want to feel good, I play this list and in most cases I sing alone and also dance along with these songs. They really make me feel happy and positive.

I also use different play list, one prior to a big presentation to get me fired up (including Wicker Man from Iron Maiden), or when I go running I have a playlist that gives me positive energy / adrenaline I need to perform. While writing this blog I listen to a play list that is called “Concentration music” that brings me into a flow of writing. I also need to admit that I have a lot of guilty pleasures that always put a great smile on my face. I reckon to have at least a handful of guilty pleasure and don’t be embarrassed if you actually have a lot more if them.

As said we should really use the power of music in our advantage in our everyday life. Within a couple of seconds listening to your selected music it can change your mood, focus, mind set and perception on demand.

I want to challenge you to create your own positive playlist of songs that makes you feel positive, energized and powerful. Create different playlists, for example one for positivity, one for determination (for when you need to do some concentrated work), one for doing exercise etc. I need to admit I also have a playlist for when I feel angry (full of heavy metal music of course).

The reason why you need to create your own playlist and just not copying mine is that music is very personal and my happy playlist might not make you feel happy. When you can’t find the right songs for your wanted state of mind, search your wanted state of mind on Spotify and I’m sure there are playlist from others, which you can use as inspiration.

When you have created your favourite playlist, make sure you listen them in shuffle mode to have the best effect and this will avoid monotony.

Use the power of music in a positive way and let’s rock n roll!

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

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